Wai Number: 3325

Climate Change Priority Inquiry

StatusPre-hearing interlocutory


On 9 February 2024, the Deputy Chairperson granted an application for a priority inquiry into the Crown’s acts and omissions in relation to climate change and appointed Judge Stephanie Milroy as Presiding Officer of the Tribunal panel that will inquire into the claims in the priority kaupapa inquiry into Climate Change policy.

Prue Kapua, Emeritus Professor David Williams, Basil Morrison and Kevin Prime were also appointed as members of the inquiry panel.

[Kesaia to add brief update for inquiry from MWP]

Current panel members

Kaiwhakawā Stephanie Milroy
Te Mana Whakahaere
Hei pānui atu anō
Prue Kapua
Hei pānui atu anō
Ahorangi David Williams
Hei pānui atu anō
Kevin Prime
Hei pānui atu anō
Basil Morrison CNZM JP
Hei pānui atu anō

Ngā pūrongo me ngā pānuitanga

26 Apr 2024
Rahinga: 457KB
26 Apr 2024
Rahinga: 622KB
26 Apr 2024
Rahinga: 616KB
26 Apr 2024
Rahinga: 444KB
15 Feb 2024
Rahinga: 378KB
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