Tohu tātari:
Ruku Tātari
Nama ā-Tuhinga
Takanga o te wā
Applied Filters:
Document type: Documents
Statement of claim (SOC)

Wai no.: 656, 1.1
Date of SOC: 7 Dec 96
Date received: 7 Dec 96
Claimant: Linda Cudby
Concerning: Section 137 of the Maori Affairs Act 1953
Status: Aggregated

Index to the Wai 898 Combined Record of Inquiry for the Te Rohe Pōtae District

29 Nov 2013
Rahinga: 3.53MB
Statement of claim (SOC)

Wai no.: 37, 1.1
Date of SOC: Not dated
Date received: 31 Mar 87
Claimant: Alec Philips
Representing: Ngati Hikairo
Concerning: Okahukura block
Status: Aggregated

Index to the Wai 898 Combined Record of Inquiry for the Te Rohe Pōtae District

29 Nov 2013
Rahinga: 468KB
Statement of claim (SOC)

Wai no.: 50, 1.1
Date of SOC: 26 Nov 88
Date received: 11 Nov 88
Claimant: P T Ropata
Concerning: Rangitoto Tuhua 55A block
Status: Consolidated

Index to the Wai 898 Combined Record of Inquiry for the Te Rohe Pōtae District

29 Nov 2013
Rahinga: 1.47MB
Statement of claim (SOC)

Wai 538, 1.1(a)
Amendment: 13 Dec 97
Received: 5 Jan 98

Index to the Wai 898 Combined Record of Inquiry for the Te Rohe Pōtae District

29 Nov 2013
Rahinga: 681KB
Statement of claim (SOC)

Wai 483, 1.1(b)
Amendment: 10 Jun 09
Received: 10 Jun 09

Index to the Wai 898 Combined Record of Inquiry for the Te Rohe Pōtae District

29 Nov 2013
Rahinga: 573KB
Statement of claim (SOC)

Wai 784, 1.1(a)
Amendment: 7 Jan 00
Received: 7 Jan 00

Index to the Wai 898 Combined Record of Inquiry for the Te Rohe Pōtae District

29 Nov 2013
Rahinga: 722KB
Statement of claim (SOC)

Wai 37, 1.1(a)
Amendment: 7 Oct 91
Date Received: 7 Oct 91

Index to the Wai 898 Combined Record of Inquiry for the Te Rohe Pōtae District

29 Nov 2013
Rahinga: 2.19MB
Statement of claim (SOC)

Wai 762, 1.1(a)
Amendment: not dated
Received: 27 Apr 01

Index to the Wai 898 Combined Record of Inquiry for the Te Rohe Pōtae District

29 Nov 2013
Rahinga: 1.63MB
Statement of claim (SOC)

Wai 146, 1.1(a)
Amendment: 27 Jun 90
Received: 17 Feb 95

Index to the Wai 898 Combined Record of Inquiry for the Te Rohe Pōtae District

29 Nov 2013
Rahinga: 873KB
Statement of claim (SOC)

Wai 586. 1.1(a)
Amendment: 11 May 07
Received: 11 May 07

Index to the Wai 898 Combined Record of Inquiry for the Te Rohe Pōtae District

29 Nov 2013
Rahinga: 314KB
1 ... 2337 2338 2339 ... 2379