This information has been prepared with the fourth-form curriculum in mind, but it can be used at all levels of secondary school.

The aim of the kit is to introduce the work of the Waitangi Tribunal both by showing what claims are and the process that they go through and by providing a case study.

The case study - the Kaituna claim - has been set up as a decision-making exercise for pupils. The recommendations that the Waitangi Tribunal made have been left to the end. This way, the pupils can debate the issues before they get a chance to read the decisions that were actually made.

Further Explanation
There are a number of words and organisations that may require more explanation; for example, 'claim', 'grievance', 'the Crown', 'the Crown Law Office', 'negotiation', 'mediation', 'the Bay of Plenty Catchment Commission', 'the Rotorua District Council', 'effluent', 'tapu', 'mana', 'the Commission for the Environment', 'the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975', 'the Water and Soil Conservation Act 1967', 'regional water boards', 'the Planning Tribunal', and 'the Resource Management Act 1991'.

Other Activities
As well as reading the material provided here, the class could:

·       have a discussion or debate about the Treaty;

·       host a guest speaker, for example, a local kaumatua or kuia;

·       visit a local marae;

·       research the ownership of the school grounds or the surrounding area; and

·       find out about any Treaty claims in the area.


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