The Waitangi Tribunal is currently inquiring into 46 claims as part of the Taihape: Rangitīkei ki Rangipō District inquiry (Wai 2180). About a dozen of these claims have been made on behalf of the iwi, hapū and whānau of Mōkai Pātea: Ngāti Hauiti, Ngāti Tamakōpiri, Ngāti Whitikaupeka, Ngāi Te Ohuake, Ngāti Paki and Ngāti Hinemanu.
The Tribunal has also received claims made on behalf of other iwi, hapū and whānau associated with the general area. These include: Ngāi Te Upokoiri and Ngāti Hinemanu, Ngāti Rangi, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Waewae, Ngāti Pikiahu, Ngā Poutama, and Ngāti Hikairo, Te Wainui a Rua and Muaūpoko.
The inquiry district covers the area known as Inland Pātea, west of the Ruahine and Kaweka Ranges and south of the Kaimanawa mountains. It includes the towns of Hunterville, Taihape and Waiouru. The Rangitīkei River flows through the heart of the district.

Taihape District Inquiry Boundary. The red dotted line indicates Waiouru Defence Lands.