Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Awa, Ngāi Tai, Ngāti Kahungunu
Dr Monty Soutar is a professional historian, currently working on a historical novel series called Kāwai. He has worked widely with iwi and Māori communities, in particular while writing Ngā Tama Toa (David Bateman, 2008), which told the story of C Company of 28 (Maori) Battalion in the Second World War and Whitiki! (David Bateman, 2019), which focused on Maori participation in the First World War. He has been a teacher, soldier, university lecturer, iwi runanga chief executive and senior historian with the Ministry for Culture and Heritage. He and has held a number of appointments on national advisory boards, including the Archives NZ Council, the Guardians of the Alexander Turnbull Library and the First World War Centenary Panel. Dr Soutar was appointed to the Tribunal in 2002.