Prue Kapua

Te Arawa

Ms Prue Kapua is the principal of Tamatekapua Law and has an extensive background in resource management and the Treaty sector. She has supported whānau, hapū, and iwi claimants in several Waitangi Tribunal inquiries. She was a member of the Refugee Status Appeals Authority, Deputy Chair of the Medical Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal, and a director of First Health NZ Ltd (a Southern Cross NZ Ltd subsidiary).

In 2000, the Minister of Health appointed Ms Kapua to represent the interests of Māori women in the Gisborne Cervical Cancer Inquiry. She also advised the Ministry of Health on its Treaty policy in respect of a national screening programme. She has been a member of the Ministry of Health’s National Kaitiaki Group and an external specialist adviser on legal aid funding for Waitangi Tribunal claims. She is currently the co-Chair of Oranga Tamariki Māori Design Group and Chair of the Interim Te Rōpū on Family Violence, Sexual Violence, and Violence within Whanau. She is the current president of the Māori Women’s Welfare League and a trustee of Māori Women’s Development Inc. Ms Kapua was appointed to the Tribunal in 2018.

Inquiries involved