Dr Hana O’Regan has worked in the areas of language revitalisation, identity and cultural development, te reo Māori, and education for over 25 years. She is a published author and composer and is recognised internationally for her work in indigenous language acquisition and revitalisation. A graduate of Te Panekiretanga (the Institute of Excellence in Te Reo Māori), Hana is widely respected for her Māori language contribution, skills, and advocacy.
Hana has held two director positions on the senior executive at ARA Institute of Canterbury, has been the general manager oranga for Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, and has held many positions on national boards, review panels, and committees across the areas of education, Māori development, national identity, Treaty rights and policies, and health. Since late 2020, she has been Tumu Whakarae of Tātai Aho Rau - CORE Education, a for purpose organisation with a focus on equity through learning. Hana’s passion for education, community, history, and equity has resulted in a career committed to working with organisations, businesses, and individuals to support and enhance positive outcomes for learners and whānau. Dr O’Regan was appointed to the Tribunal in 2021.