The Waitangi Tribunal's findings on this claim stated that:

(a) the Crown had failed to recognise Maori interests guaranteed by the Treaty;

(b) Maori interests should have been protected in New Zealand's laws; and

(c) Maori interests should have been taken into account in the management of New Zealand's natural resources.

Specifically, the Tribunal recommended to the Government that:

(a) The proposal for an ocean outfall at Motunui be stopped.

(b) In the meantime, the Crown arrange for Syngas to be allowed to discharge its waste from the synthetic fuels plant through the Waitara Borough outfall.

(c) A regional planning and coordinating task force be established to:

·       replace the broken Waitara Borough outfall;

·       look at a plan for providing land-based treatment plants; and

·       propose future plans for the development of the Taranaki region.

(d) An interdepartmental committee, to include representatives from the Department of Maori Affairs, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Ministry of Works, the Department of Health, and the Department of Land and Survey, be established to:

·       promote laws allowing for significant Maori fishing grounds to be reserved and controlled;

·       promote the recognition of Maori fishing grounds in general regulations and planning laws; and

·       improve the way in which new projects were to be assessed and controlled so that, if the projects were to affect Maori fishing grounds, this could be taken into account.

Next: What Has Happened Since? 

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