Ko wai ō tātou atua whāea, he aha hoki ō rātou āhuatanga, ō rātou pūrākau?
Witnesses in the tūāpapa phase of the Mana Wāhine Kaupapa Inquiry emphasised the vast number of atua wāhine who hold mana in te ao Māori and are associated with all domains of the natural and spiritual world – including the seasons, moon, stars, and particular features of the natural environment. Different narratives about atua, or variations on narratives, are told by different iwi and hapū across the motu.
Summaries of key briefs of evidence
- Professor Leonie Pihama
- Te Ringahuia Hata
- Dr Aroha Yates-Smith
- Paula Ormsby
- Patricia Tauroa
- Professor Rangi Mātāmua
- Heeni Collins
- Aroha Rickus
- Hira Huata
- Dallas King
Atua narratives - key quotes from witnesses
- Papatūānuku and Ranginui
- Papatūānuku
- Wainuiātea
- Hineahuone
- Hinetītama and Hinenuitepō
- Hine-Keira
- Hine-Akaaka
- Hinewai and Hinetairi
- Hinemoana
- Hineteiwaiwa
- Hineraukatamea
- Hineraukatauri
- Hinetūiterepo
- Mahora-nui-atea
- Murirangawhenua
- Mahuika
- Tangotango
- Taranga
- Hinengakau
- Irakau
- Rongomaraeroa
- Whakaari - He Maunga Tipua
- Hinepūkohurangi
- Te Marama / Rona
- Hineraumati and Hinetakurua
- Ngā Whetū

Blanket made by witnesses who appeared at hearing one, Turner Centre, Kerikeri, February 2021