Vanessa is a business consultant, company director and trustee who sits on a range of commercial, investment and not-for-profit boards.
She is chair of the tertiary education institution, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, the co-chair of the forestry land management company - CNI Iwi Land Management Ltd, tasked with managing the land under the Kaingaroa Forest Estate on behalf of eight iwi owners and a Trustee on the Tūaropaki Trust and chair of the Tūaropaki Power Company.
Vanessa was the inaugural Chair of Raukawa Iwi Development, a high performing iwi commercial company and remains a director. She was the former executive chair and Treaty of Waitangi negotiator on behalf of the iwi of Raukawa and for the Raukawa Settlement Trust.
Vanessa is a passionate advocate for Māori, community, economic development and for health, social and environmental issues. She has a strong history of working with the wider community, kaumātua, iwi chairs, Ministers, Members of Parliament, and numerous stakeholders to achieve positive outcomes for those she serves.
Married to Ngarepo, she is the proud mother of three adult children and two amazing mokopuna – Keita and Lily.