Pre hearing - Trib Memo/Direction/Decision
Memorandum-directions of the Chairperson appointing Miriama Evans, Ronald Crosby and Tania Simpson, Tribunal Members, to assist Deputy Chief Judge Fox in determining this urgency application
Wai 2417, the New Zealand Maori Council Maori Community Development Act Claim
19 Nov 2013
Size: 295KB
SOC Amendment - Trib Memo/Direction/Decision
Memorandum-directions of the Presiding Officer registering Amended Statement of Claim
the Nga Hapū o Kereru Claim
19 Nov 2013
Size: 316KB
SOC Amendment - Trib Memo/Direction/Decision
Memorandum-directions of the Presiding Officer registering Amended Statement of Claim
George Hori Toms and Colonial Laws of Succession claim
19 Nov 2013
Size: 318KB
New Claim - Trib Memo/Direction/Decision
Memorandum-directions of the Presiding Officer registering Statement of Claim
Wai 2419 - the Ngati Raukawa ancestral lands, resources and other property (Porter) claim
18 Nov 2013
Size: 382KB
Pre hearing - Trib Memo/Direction/Decision
Memorandum-directions of the Presiding Officer directing applicants file submissions in reply by midday, Friday 15 November and advising of a Judicial Conference to be held on 12 December 2013
Wai 2417, the New Zealand Maori Council Maori Community Development Act Claim
15 Nov 2013
Size: 373KB
Pre hearing - Trib Memo/Direction/Decision
Memorandum-directions of the Presiding Officer rescheduling the Judicial Conference to 16 December 2013 and directing the Crown to file papers relevant to the application that have been sent to Cabinet or one of its committees since 2011, by midday, Friday 29 November
Wai 2417, the New Zealand Maori Council Maori Community Development Act Claim
15 Nov 2013
Size: 377KB
Pre hearing - Trib Memo/Direction/Decision
Memorandum-directions of Deputy Chief Judge C L Fox Presiding Officer, Professor Tamati Reedy, Dr Grant Phillipson and Sir Doug Kidd granting further leave sought by Ngati Wehi Wehi and the claimants for Ngati Kauwhata, Nga Hapu o Himitangi and Ngati Hikitanga Te Paea and directing parties to file memoranda with the Tribunal by midday, Friday 22 November 2013, 12 Nov 13
Wai 2200 - The Porirua ki Manawatū Inquiry
12 Nov 2013
Size: 413KB
Hearing - Trib Memo/Direction/Decision
Memorandum-directions of the Presiding Officer addressing leave sought for post-hearing filing for weeks 2 and 5 and pre-hearing week 6 filing for stage 2 of the Te Paparahi o Te Raki inquiry, 12 Nov 13
Index to the Wai 1040 combined record of inquiry for Te Paparahi o Te Raki
12 Nov 2013
Size: 372KB