Appendix B: Corrections to Draft Transcript of the Contextual Hearings held on 30 & 31 July 2020, 1 Sept 20 (Filed by J Mason)
Wai 2915 - the Oranga Tamariki Urgent Inquiry
08 Sep 2020
Size: 374KB
Pre hearing Represented - Party Submission/Memo
D Stone / C Leauga / A Watene, Joint memorandum of counsel responding to Memorandum-Directions (#2.6.4) regarding further submissions about the inquiry timetable and hearing time allocations, 4 Sept 20
Wai 2915 - the Oranga Tamariki Urgent Inquiry
08 Sep 2020
Size: 434KB
Pre hearing Represented - Party Submission/Memo
Index and appendices to the second memorandum of the Crown attaching relationship instruments, 16 Sept 20
Wai 2915 - the Oranga Tamariki Urgent Inquiry
18 Sep 2020
Size: 19.36MB
Hearing - Trib Memo/Direction/Decision
Memorandum-Directions of the Presiding Officer releasing the draft transcript for the Judicial Conference held on 27 August 2020 (via Zoom), 22 Sept 20
Wai 2915 - the Oranga Tamariki Urgent Inquiry
23 Sep 2020
Size: 401KB
Pre hearing Represented - Party Submission/Memo
Appendix B: Firms who had representatives present during Zoom hui on 2 September 2020, 4 Sept 20
Wai 2915 - the Oranga Tamariki Urgent Inquiry
08 Sep 2020
Size: 372KB
Hearing - Trib Memo/Direction/Decision
Memorandum-Directions of the Presiding Officer confirming oral directions made at the Judicial Conference on 27 August 2020, 31 Aug 20
Wai 2915 - the Oranga Tamariki Urgent Inquiry
01 Sep 2020
Size: 345KB
Appendix A: Corrections to Draft Transcript of the Contextual Hearings held on 30 & 31 July 2020, 1 Sept 20 (Filed by D Stone / C Leauga / A Watene)
Wai 2915 - the Oranga Tamariki Urgent Inquiry
08 Sep 2020
Size: 464KB
Appendix A: Corrections to Draft Transcript of the Contextual Hearings held on 30 & 31 July 2020, 1 Sept 20 (Filed by S Roughton / V Sudhakar)
Wai 2915 - the Oranga Tamariki Urgent Inquiry
08 Sep 2020
Size: 428KB
Pre hearing Represented - Party Submission/Memo
D Stone / C Leauga / A Watene, Memorandum of co-ordinating counsel filing amended and agreed Post-1983 Chronology, 3 Sept 20
Wai 2915 - the Oranga Tamariki Urgent Inquiry
08 Sep 2020
Size: 410KB
Pre hearing Represented - Party Submission/Memo
J Mason, Memorandum of counsel filing transcription corrections of the Contextual Hearing on the 7 August 2020, 9 Sept 20
Wai 2915 - the Oranga Tamariki Urgent Inquiry
15 Sep 2020
Size: 400KB