SOC Amendment - Trib Memo/Direction/Decision
Wai 800(#2.42) seeking to further particularise the claim specifically in relation to the Te Ohāki Tapu o Te Rohe Pōtae, Maniapoto Raupatu and confiscation etc
Index to the Wai 898 Combined Record of Inquiry for the Te Rohe Pōtae District
03 Dec 2013
Size: 315KB
Research Commision - Trib Memo/Direction/Decision
Andrew Ivory, to prepare an index to the Māori Land Board minute books for blocks within the Te Rohe Pōtae district inquiry and covering the period 1910-1940
Index to the Wai 898 Combined Record of Inquiry for the Te Rohe Pōtae District
03 Dec 2013
Size: 116KB
SOC Amendment - Trib Memo/Direction/Decision
Wai 1133(#2.3) adding R Monk as a named claimant and noting W Rika one of the original claimants is now deceased
Index to the Wai 898 Combined Record of Inquiry for the Te Rohe Pōtae District
03 Dec 2013
Size: 298KB
SOC Amendment - Trib Memo/Direction/Decision
Wai 928(#2.10) removing J Wi and P Stafford with R Wi, M Burgess and J Crown as named claimants
Index to the Wai 898 Combined Record of Inquiry for the Te Rohe Pōtae District
03 Dec 2013
Size: 344KB
SOC Amendment - Trib Memo/Direction/Decision
Wai 784(#2.10) adding E Penetito and A Anderson as named claimants
Index to the Wai 898 Combined Record of Inquiry for the Te Rohe Pōtae District
03 Dec 2013
Size: 296KB
SOC Amendment - Trib Memo/Direction/Decision
Wai 1327(#2.2.1) adding S Thompson as a named claimant
Index to the Wai 898 Combined Record of Inquiry for the Te Rohe Pōtae District
03 Dec 2013
Size: 296KB
Research Commision - Trib Memo/Direction/Decision
Commissioning Dr Vincent O’Malley to prepare a research report examining the beginnings of Political Engagement between the hapu and iwi of the Te Rohe Pōtae inquiry district and the Crown from 1840 up to the start of the Waikato wars of the 1860’s, 24 Sep 09
Index to the Wai 898 Combined Record of Inquiry for the Te Rohe Pōtae District
03 Dec 2013
Size: 217KB
Research Commision - Trib Memo/Direction/Decision
Extending deadline of commissioned research for Andrew Ivory to incorporate pre-1910 material to the Index to the Māori Land Board minute books for blocks within the Te Rohe Pōtae district inquiry
Index to the Wai 898 Combined Record of Inquiry for the Te Rohe Pōtae District
03 Dec 2013
Size: 55KB
Research Commision - Trib Memo/Direction/Decision
Further extending deadline for commissioned research by Leanne Boulton, a scoping report on land alienation and land title issues in the Te Rohe Pōtae Inquiry District from 1840 to 1907
Index to the Wai 898 Combined Record of Inquiry for the Te Rohe Pōtae District
03 Dec 2013
Size: 100KB
Research Commision - Trib Memo/Direction/Decision
Releasing commissioned research by Leanne Boulton, a scoping report on land alienation and land title issues in the Te Rohe Pōtae Inquiry District from 1840 to 1907
Index to the Wai 898 Combined Record of Inquiry for the Te Rohe Pōtae District
03 Dec 2013
Size: 99KB