Final SOC
Final SOC 24
Wai no: 2291
Date of FSOC: 9 Dec 11
Date received: 9 Dec 11
Claimant: R Fenton and G Lennox
Representing: Themsleves and Ngati Apakura
Concerning: Constitution and sovereignty, the compact, acts of war, amalgamation of Mangaora land, vesting of uneconomic shares in the Māori trustee, protection of land base and the Native Land Court, Crown and private purchases, Europeanisation of land, Maori Trustee and land administration, landlocked land, public works, degredation of waterways and depletion of native species, the loss and desecration of Zwāhi tapu and taonga, maladministration of Māori education.
Status: Aggregated
Index to the Wai 898 Combined Record of Inquiry for the Te Rohe Pōtae District
02 Dec 2013
Size: 1.16MB
Statement of claim (SOC)
Wai no: 1408, 1.1.1
Date of SOC: 30 May 07
Date received: 11 Jun 07
Claimant: Monica Matamua
Representing: Ngati Hotu
Concerning: The claimants allege that they have been prejudicially affected by policies, practices, actions and omissions of the Crown in the alienation of land in the King Country Inquiry District. In particular the claimants allege prejudice through the actions of the Native Land Court in relation to the Rangitoto-Tuhua block. The claimants also allege that land was taken for railway lines without payment of compensation
Status: Aggregated
Index to the Wai 898 Combined Record of Inquiry for the Te Rohe Pōtae District
02 Dec 2013
Size: 302KB
Statement of claim (SOC)
Wai no.: 1387, 1.1.1
Date of SOC: 1 Nov 06
Date received: 9 Nov 06
Claimant: Makareta WiRepa-Davis
Representing: The owners and beneficiaries of the Arapae No 1 Block A4A Kinohaku East
Concerning: Prejudicially affected by the Crown and the Waitomo District Council. In particular, the claimants allege the Crown forcibly took properties from their Tupuna during the mid 1900s and used them to pay Pakeha soldiers or sold them to immigrants from Britain
Status: Consolidated
Index to the Wai 898 Combined Record of Inquiry for the Te Rohe Pōtae District
02 Dec 2013
Size: 467KB
Statement of claim (SOC)
Wai no: 1993, 1.1.1
Date of SOC: 25 Aug 08
Date received: 27 Aug 08
Claimant: Sonny Kou Hepi
Representing: Himself and Ngati Ngutu, Ngati Te Kanawa and Ngati Urunumia hapu
Concerning: The operation of the Native Land Court in the claimants' traditional rohe, including Taumatatotara A5 block, Hauturu West G 2 2B2 block, Te Kauri 2 G 3, Hauturu - Waipuna C block, Hauturu West 2B 4 C 1 block, Awaroa A 2 J 2 block and Te Awaroa B 4 Sect 4 B No 2 block; and land-related resources
Status: Consolidated
Index to the Wai 898 Combined Record of Inquiry for the Te Rohe Pōtae District
02 Dec 2013
Size: 630KB
Statement of claim (SOC)
Wai no: 1410, 1.1.1
Date of SOC: 18 Jun 07
Date received: 2 Jul 07
Claimant: Davis Apiti
Representing: Ngati Te Wehi, the Tangata Whenua of Aotea Harbour
Concerning: The claim is filed by Davis Apiti for and on behalf of Ngati Te Wehi, the tangata whenua of Aotea Harbour. The claimants allege that they have been prejudicially affected by the various ordinances, acts, regulations, orders, proclamations, notices and other laws and by the various policies and practices adopted by or on behalf of the Crown, its agents or successors and that those prejudices are inconsistent with the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi. The claim concerns the protection of waahi tapu and relates in particular to land located in Aotea Harbour on the West Coast of the North Island. The claimants allege that their waahi tapu was intruded upon and their mana whenua and kaitiakitanga has been belittled by Crown acts and omissions since 1840
Status: Consolidated
Index to the Wai 898 Combined Record of Inquiry for the Te Rohe Pōtae District
02 Dec 2013
Size: 661KB
Statement of claim (SOC)
Wai no: 2018, 1.1.1
Date of SOC: 20 Aug 08
Date received: 21 Aug 08
Claimant: John Farrar, Wayne Fitzell, Jacqualine Newton, Joanne Thompson, Gordon Thompson, Pepi Farrar, Rapheal Rolleston
Representing: Themselves, the beneficiaries of the Wipaea Manu Trust and Ngati Paia hapu
Concerning: Crown acts and omissions which caused the claimant group loss of lands, alienation of natural resources, loss of tribal mana and tino rangatiratanga
Status: Consolidated
Index to the Wai 898 Combined Record of Inquiry for the Te Rohe Pōtae District
02 Dec 2013
Size: 1.33MB
Statement of claim (SOC)
Wai no: 2016, 1.1.1
Date of SOC: 7 Aug 08
Date received: 11 Aug 08
Claimant: Evelyn Rayner
Representing: Raukura Whanau Trust
Concerning: Crown actions and omissions which caused the claimants to lose their ancestral land and resources
Status: Consolidated
Index to the Wai 898 Combined Record of Inquiry for the Te Rohe Pōtae District
02 Dec 2013
Size: 485KB
Statement of claim (SOC)
Wai no.: 2020, 1.1.1
Date of SOC: 28 Aug 08
Date received: 22 Feb 09
Claimant: Raewyn Toia
Representing: Herself and Ngati Toro Hapu
Concerning: The operation of the Native Land Court in the claimants traditional rohe; excessive taking of lands for survey lines; Crown land purchasing activities; land takings for public works, scenic reserves, gravel extraction and other purposes; loss of ancestral hapu lands to Crown under various policies for no recompense; Mäori development schemes; Crown environmental policy and practice; failure to protect waahi tapu; rating legislation; maladministration of Mäori education; inadequate delivery of health services to Mäori; failure to facilitate Mäori economic growth; raupatu of foreshore and seabed; generation of landlocked land and other matters.
Status: Consolidated
Index to the Wai 898 Combined Record of Inquiry for the Te Rohe Pōtae District
02 Dec 2013
Size: 578KB
Statement of claim (SOC)
Wai no: 2015, 1.1.1
Date of SOC: 27 Aug 08
Date received: 27 Aug 08
Claimant: Sonya Kararaina Parangi, Dana Erina Maniapoto and Walter Wayne Winiata Taitoko
Representing: Themselves and Te Pae Tapu O Ngati Paretekawa for Ngati Paretekawa
Concerning: Crown acts and omissions which caused the claimants to lose their ancestral lands
Status: Consolidated
Index to the Wai 898 Combined Record of Inquiry for the Te Rohe Pōtae District
02 Dec 2013
Size: 1.63MB
Statement of claim (SOC)
Wai no: 1995, 1.1.1
Date of SOC: 26 Aug 08
Date received: 28 Aug 08
Claimant: Howard Morrison Jerry
Representing: Himself and Ngati Hikairo, Ngati Tamainu, Ngati Taiharuru and Ngati Kiriwai hapu
Concerning: Crown policy and practice in relation to the Awaroa, Waipuna, Hauturu, Waipapa, Oparau and Hukapria blocks and other land-related resources
Status: Consolidated
Index to the Wai 898 Combined Record of Inquiry for the Te Rohe Pōtae District
02 Dec 2013
Size: 553KB