Waitangi Tribunal

Guide to Practice and Procedure - Te Reo Māori

The Guide to Practice and Procedure for the Waitangi Tribunal was updated in August 2023, and is now also available in Te Reo Māori.

Read the Guide to Practice and Procedure for the Waitangi Tribunal 2023 (Te Reo Māori)

Karanga te rā, karanga te rā! Karangahia ngā ihi o te rā, kia hui te ora, kia hu

Set up by the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975, the Waitangi Tribunal is a permanent commission of inquiry that makes recommendations on claims brought by Māori relating to Crown actions which breach the promises made in the Treaty of Waitangi.

  • About the Tribunal »

    Find out about the role of the Waitangi Tribunal, the members and the staff who support the Tribunal.

  • The Waitangi Tribunal and the treaty »

    Find out about the Treaty of Waitangi, its two texts and what the Tribunal has said about its meaning and its principles.

  • Claims process »

    Find out about how to make a Waitangi Tribunal claim and the process of getting your claim to a hearing. You can find out about researching your claim, how you can get legal advice, download the Tribunal’s Guide to Practice and Procedure, as well as find out what happens during and after a hearing.

  • Applications »

    Information and guidance about the different applications you can make to the Waitangi Tribunal. Apply for an urgent or remedies hearing, or to remove a memorialised title from your land, and find information for the media on applying to record and broadcast Tribunal events.

  • Inquiries »

    Find out about the different ways the tribunal groups claims for hearing, and information on what inquiries are currently before the Waitangi Tribunal.

  • Tribunal reports »

    Browse Tribunal reports by geographical district, by inquiry type, and by year

  • Publications & resources »

    Find and download Waitangi Tribunal reports, inquiry documents, Te Manutukutuku (the Tribunal’s newsletter), school resources, and other publications.

  • Upcoming events »

    Find out specific details about where up and coming hearing events are being held across the country.

  • Contact us »

    Contact details for the Waitangi Tribunal.

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