Rangahaua Whānui

In the early 1990s, the Tribunal commissioned a series of reports, called the Rangahaua Whānui Series, to address many of the common issues arising in claims and Tribunal inquiries.


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District reports

District 1
Auckland part 1
Auckland part 2 Counting the hectare: quantifying Maori land loss in the Auckland district [PDF, 3.8 MB]

District 4
Te Urewera [PDF, 3.8 MB]

District 5B

Poverty Bay [PDF, 4.2 MB]

District 7

Volcanic Plateau [PDF, 3.8 MB]

District 8

The Alienation of Maori land in the Rohe Potae (Aotea Block): part 1 1840-1920 [PDF, 1.2 MB]

The Alienation of Maori land in the Rohe Potae (Aotea Block): part 2 1900-1960 [PDF, 5.9 MB]

District 9
Whanganui District [PDF, 1.6 MB]

District 11
A Wairarapa [PDF, 2.3 MB]

B Hawke's Bay [PDF, 4.8 MB]

C Wairoa [PDF, 2.4 MB]

District 12
Wellington District: Port Nicholson, Hutt Valley, Porirua, Rangitīkei and Manawatū [PDF, 13 MB]

District 13
Northern South Island part 1 [PDF, 4.1 MB]

Northern South Island part 2 [PDF, 1.1 MB]


Theme reports
Theme A

Old Land Claims [PDF, 7.2 MB]

Theme C
The Crown's Engagement with the Customary Tenure in the 19th Century [PDF, 1.2 MB]

Theme D
The Crown's Right of Pre-Emption and Fitzroy's Waiver Purchases [PDF, 4.2 MB]

Theme G
Public Works Takings of Māori Land, 1840 to 1981 [PDF, 1.4 MB]

Theme I
Māori and Rating Law [PDF, 549 KB]

Theme K
Māori Land Councils and Māori Land Boards, a Historical Overview, 1900 to 1952 [PDF, 3.4 MB]

Theme L
The Trust Administration of Maori Reserves, 1840 to 1913 [PDF, 3.3 MB]

Crown Policy on Maori Reserved Lands, 1840 to 1865, and Lands Restricted from Alienation, 1865 to 1900 [PDF, 1.5 MB]

Theme N
Goldmining: Policy, Legislation and Administration [PDF, 1.5 MB]

Theme P
The Māori Land Court and Land Boards, 1909 to 1952 [PDF, 1.2 MB]

Theme P
Succession to Māori Land, 1900 to 52 [PDF, 682 KB]

Theme Q
The Foreshore [PDF, 559 KB]

Inland Waterways: Lakes [PDF, 2.3 MB]

Theme S
The Native Townships Act 1895 [PDF, 4.2 MB]

Theme U
The Land with All Woods and Waters [PDF, 1010 KB]